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Daffodil Month View Planner
$ 19.00
is back-ordered. We will ship it separately in 10 to 15 days.
Introducing our new Month View planner! We have been long wanting to create a 12 month style planner that was sewn bound, and now she's here :)
An open dated planner where you can write in the dates as you go. This style offers a blank monthly view calendar, a full spread of structured lists where you can keep track of important tasks for the month, plus a spread of dotted note pages per month. These are great for the folks who don't need to structure their days, but do like to keep track of the bigger things coming up.
- center sewn notebook measuring 7"x9" (same size as our wire bound planners)
- 100# cover stock with 80 pages of 60# cream paper (thick and lovely)
- screen printed in gold on the cover