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Green Ron Finley + Suay Pillow

$ 156.00

Breath(e): Toward Climate and Social Justice, artist Ron Finley (Gangster Gardener) strives to get others to care about our planet. Finley isn’t just about gardening; he’s about changing the world and the way we see ourselves. Ron Finley’s collaboration with Suay Sew Shop illustrates two forces working together to address the climate crisis by creating home good pieces that represent both sides passion for promoting environmental equity. Suay’s motto is putting reclaimed product at the center of a social, economic, and environmental revolution. Ron strives to rejuvenate communities around the world through gardening, knowledge, and togetherness.

Deadstock softened linen, Low impact dyes

Dimensions Approx: 26" L x 12" W x 26" H

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